Tag Archives: brownie

Rescuing tiny octopi, delicious brownies and advent calendars 2015

Wow, another week come and gone! We’re so close to the end of the year now, yet it feels so far off still. At least summer has finally arrived in Cape Town, with the doggies unsure whether it’s best to sit under the fan or run through the sprinkler outside in an attempt to stay cool. Here are a few of my most recent highlights…

Saturday, 28 November 2015: Primi breakfast, Pitmasters’ lunch

Large latte at Primi on Blouberg beach
Last Saturday started off with an extra large latte for me. Just look at the size of it!
Breakfast at Primi
Husband had a Cola and this very filling breakfast bowl.
Blouberg beach
The weather was so gorgeous, we trotted across the road to dip our toes in the sea.
Husband in wetsuit
So gorgeous, in fact, that we headed home for some beach things and then returned to set up camp for a while. Here is Husband in his wet suit, about to pick mussels off the rocks. I stayed in safety under our umbrella and read with toes in the sand.
Tiny octopus
But it’s not just mussels that Husband hauled… he also got hold of a tiny octopus, hidden in an open mussel shell! He took it back to the deep blue after I’d met it.
Pitmasters on Woodbridge Island
By then we’d worked up an appetite so set off to try Pitmasters on Woodbridge Island. This is our ‘waiting patiently for our food’ selfie
Striped Horse beer at Pitmasters.
Husband tried a ‘Striped Horse’ beer. Yes, that’s actually a zebra. Teehee.
Pulled pork burger at Pitmasters
And then the food came! This was Husband’s pulled pork burger, topped with coleslaw and sriracha sauce
Salted caramel brownie at Pitmasters
For me, a Fanta and this delicious salted caramel brownie. Moist and warm and gooey, it was just perfect.

Sunday, 29 November 2015: Brekkie at home and pretty sunset

Double yolk eggs
Husband had bought extra large eggs in our weekly shop and was delighted to find they held double yolks!
Caramel iced coffee from Reload
As it was another scorcher I opted for a caramel iced coffee instead of the regular steamy version from Reload. It was amazing.
Tame chicken at Driftwood
Much later that afternoon we stopped in at the Driftwood. Here is one of the resident chickens, pottering around the tables.
Milo shake at Driftwood
I went for a Milo shake this time.
Black Label draught at Driftwood Cafe
Husband had a Black Label draught in a Castle draught glass, as you do.
Pink sky at sunset
Sunset from the parents’ house much, much later that eve

Tuesday, 1 December: Hot doggies and advent calendars

Hot dog lying on cool tiles
The doggies were very hot this week. Here is Bertie lying on the cool tiled floor after a quick dash through the sprinklers outside.
Leigh's dog under ceiling fan
Little Miss Bassie preferred to sit on the arm of the couch, directly under the ceiling fan. Such little characters, they are.
Opening advent calendar
And as it was the first of December, I could open the first window of my advent calendar. Yes, I am 31-years-old… spot the hopeful doggie just behind me.

That’s all, folks – this weekend’s set to be another scorcher – keep cool! 🙂