Tag Archives: potato salad

Christmas 2013 with the Joburg rellies

Ah, Christmas time. I am fully in Christmas mode once I’ve had my annual viewing of ‘Love, Actually’ for the year. And while December’s not exactly a ‘mistletoe and wine, snowy winter wonderland’ in South Africa, it’s still a favourite holiday for many.

Last year was a different one as it’s the first Christmas in almost a decade that we didn’t spend with hubby’s family (click here for a reminder).

This year was especially special for us as some of the Joburg rellies we’d not seen in months came down to spend time with us. In addition to brother-in-law Spec (click here for more of his early Cape Town adventures), we have Gords and Natalie in the house… and their visit is all the more special as they got engaged at Sunset Beach on Christmas Eve! So, lots of excitement all in all.

Added to this, it was our first ever year hosting the main Christmas meal, but with minimal stress (mainly on my part, as I’m the worrywart in this family), we produced an excellent spread! Clifton braaied the turkey based on a combination of advice from his dad and recipes he picked up online, mom made her famous potato salad with sausage and gherkin bits, there was gammon with candied clementines, and for dessert mom outdid herself with the best trifle ever (cherry jelly, custard, a base of Christmas cake, cream and fresh cherries and blackberries, mmm).

Here are some pics of the celebrations…

Christmas Eve – 24 December 2013

The pretty tree - finally put the lights up on Christmas Eve!
The pretty tree – finally put the lights up on Christmas Eve!
While Gords and Nats went to Sunset Beach on Christmas Eve, the three of us stayed home and ate pizza while waiting to hear if she'd said yes
While Gords and Nats went to Sunset Beach on Christmas Eve, the three of us stayed home and ate pizza while waiting to hear if she’d said yes
Still trying to distract ourselves from the suspense of waiting to hear if she said YES with some Dance Central! (She did) :)
Still trying to distract ourselves from the suspense of waiting to hear if she said YES with some Dance Central! (She did) 🙂
The lovely engaged couple on Sunset Beach
The lovely engaged couple on Sunset Beach

Christmas Day – 25 December 2013

Bassie getting into the Christmas spirit
Bassie getting into the Christmas spirit
Just some of the doggies' presents
Just some of the doggies’ presents
Bertie took his present outside but didn't manage the complicated opening process
Bertie took his present outside but didn’t manage the complicated opening process
"Daddy help us open it!"
“Daddy help us open it!”
Bassie REALLY enjoyed all her Christmas treats!
Bassie REALLY enjoyed all her Christmas treats!
Christmas conversation in full swing
Christmas conversation in full swing
My lovely family - hubby, dad and mom <3
My lovely family – hubby, dad and mom ❤
Waiting not-so-patiently for the turkey to finish it's cooking process - those are hungry grins!
Waiting not-so-patiently for the turkey to finish it’s cooking process – those are hungry grins!
Mmm, turkey in the Weber
Mmm, turkey in the Weber
Braaied turkey on a base of potatoes with bacon topping - success!
Braaied turkey on a base of potatoes with bacon topping – success!
Proving her status as dessert queen! Best homemade tiramisu and trifle ever
Proving her status as dessert queen! Best homemade tiramisu and trifle ever
Puppies having a nap with granny, all tuckered out after Christmas lunch
Puppies having a nap with granny, all tuckered out after Christmas lunch
Cooling off in the pool
Cooling off in the pool

Boxing Day – 26 December 2013

Boxing Day breakfast pizza and Coke at Primi - Spec had the same, I had a more sophisticated croissant and cappuccino
Boxing Day breakfast pizza and Coke at Primi – Spec had the same, I had a more sophisticated croissant and cappuccino
Above Noordhoek - the water was so beautiful today
Above Noordhoek – the water was so beautiful today
Above Muizenberg on our Boxing Day drive
Above Muizenberg on our Boxing Day drive

That’s all for now folks, keep an eye out for more pics of the Joburg visit to Cape Town – coming soon…

One year in Cape Town!

A lot can happen in a year. And a lot HAS happened this year.

Some bad but mostly good, and it feels like just an eyeblink since we were planning our big move from Joburg to Cape Town (click here and here for a reminder).

With this long weekend marking the end of the 10-day mourning period for Madiba, it feels as though we can finally breathe a bit, brush off some stress and get into holiday mode before our Joburg guests arrive… which is just what we did to mark the anniversary of our first year in Cape Town! See below 🙂

Thursday 12 December

Beautiful clouds and sunset
Beautiful clouds and sunset
Lovely clouds scudding over 'our' mountain
Lovely clouds scudding over ‘our’ mountain
Jump for joy on the beach
Jump for joy on the beach
Doodles at sunset last week - look how full it is! Just look at it!
Doodles at sunset last week – look how full it is! Just look at it!

Friday, 13 December

Pondering his "I'm on holiday" steak at the Driftwood Cafe
Pondering his “I’m on holiday” steak at the Driftwood Cafe
What big eyes I have! That's an almond-crusted camembert wheel with figs and honey-roasted nuts
What big eyes I have! That’s an almond-crusted camembert wheel with figs and honey-roasted nuts

Saturday, 14 December

Sampling the sushi buffet at Trologos
Sampling the sushi buffet at Trologos

Sunday, 15 December

Bertie sitting on the comfy cushions
Bertie sitting on the comfy cushions
I usually have a doggy 'book end' when I read in the lounge
I usually have a doggy ‘book end’ when I read in the lounge
This is how we wait for Granny and Grampa to arrive for a visit
This is how we wait for Granny and Grampa to arrive for a visit
Bassie and Granny getting some sun
Bassie and Granny getting some sun
Bertie smiling as he licks clean his paper plate of potato salad
Bertie smiling as he licks clean his paper plate of potato salad

Monday, 16 December

No better way to wash down a fruit mince pie than with coffee in a reindeer mug
No better way to wash down a fruit mince pie than with coffee in a reindeer mug
Hair blowing in the breeze as I enjoy an ice cream on the beach
Hair blowing in the breeze as I enjoy an ice cream on the beach

It’s been a wonderful first year here, but boy are we glad it’s time to unwind! 🙂

Have a great week, everyone…