Tag Archives: power cut

Powerless meals and pretty, scary birdies

It’s been a week of powerless meals for us, with power cuts seeming to strike at just the time we would usually start cooking or decide to venture out for a meal. But we’ve not let the lack of electricity get to us, as we’ve had lots of fun with mother-in-law visiting for a few days. In fact, we’ve had a right jolly time of it, with all sorts of fun excursions…

Friday, 5 December 2014: Asian meal with Mother at Earth Cafe

Doggies looking a little sad still, but slowly adjusting to life in their new housie. Note how Bertie's collar matches his dad's lumo green t-shirt.
Doggies looking a little sad still, but slowly adjusting to life in their new housie. Note how Bertie’s collar matches his dad’s lumo green t-shirt.
First meal with mother - we went to Earth Cafe in Parklands on Friday eve, which was in the middle of a power cut, but managed to cook delicious noodles and sweet n sour things on gas. That's natural sunlight coming in the window at about 7.30pm
First meal with mother – we went to Earth Cafe in Parklands on Friday eve, which was in the middle of a power cut, but managed to cook delicious noodles and sweet n sour things on gas. That’s natural sunlight coming in the window at about 7.30pm

Saturday, 6 December 2014: Sea Point breakfast and sneakily cooking around the loadshedding

Oh, the irony of the sad face against backdrop of the juice label! Not his usual weekend Coke breakfast - this was at Osumo in Sea Point, our third attempt at breakfast as the power cuts were so widespread. We were in the area to drop off Mother's rental car so went for a healthy start.
Oh, the irony of the sad face against backdrop of the juice label! Not his usual weekend Coke breakfast – this was at Osumo in Sea Point, our third attempt at breakfast as the power cuts were so widespread. We were in the area to drop off Mother’s rental car so went for a healthy start.
We carefully timed our cooking so we could eat a home-cooked meal on Saturday evening - beef olives and broccoli
We carefully timed our cooking so we could eat a home-cooked meal on Saturday evening – beef olives and broccoli

Sunday, 7 December 2014: Parenty brunch, bird park visit and Woodbridge sunset

Sunday morning was all about doggie beach walks followed by brunch at my parents. Here we all are looking happy - doggies out of shot
Sunday morning was all about doggie beach walks followed by brunch at my parents. Here we all are looking happy – doggies out of shot
Sunday morning was all about doggie beach walks followed by brunch at my parents. Here we all are looking happy - doggies out of shot
The tasty spread – cheese scones, devilled eggs, fruit salad, orange juice, sparkling wine and more
Following a brief (powerless again) nap at home, we headed out to World of Birds in Hout Bay - R85 entry but worth it as there's so much to see, including monkeys, mongooses (mongeese?), reptiles and even a bat-eared fox. This was one of a set of happy parrots that kept greeting us - and when I offered him my map of the area he had a nibble, teehee
Following a brief (powerless again) nap at home, we headed out to World of Birds in Hout Bay – R85 entry but worth it as there’s so much to see, including monkeys, mongooses (mongeese?), reptiles and even a bat-eared fox. This was one of a set of happy parrots that kept greeting us – and when I offered him my map of the area he had a nibble, teehee
Best! Look how this owlie winked at me! We didn't zoom in, he let us get this close with the camera (phone)
Best! Look how this owlie winked at me! We didn’t zoom in, he let us get this close with the camera (phone)
Following a brief (powerless again) nap at home, we headed out to World of Birds in Hout Bay. This was a happy parrot who kept greeting us - and when I offered him my map of the area he had a nibble, teehee
I look very happy here, but look at the little blue birdie’s face closely – scary how cross he is! Scarpered off to the next exhibit fast!
Mother in pink with the scarlet (orange) ibises
Mother in pink with the scarlet (orange) ibises
Husband under a row of fluffy greenies. I think his expression based on worry one would poop on his head- luckily they didn't - or unluckily, as that's meant to mean good luck, is it not?
Husband under a row of fluffy greenies. I think his expression based on worry one would poop on his head- luckily they didn’t – or unluckily, as that’s meant to mean good luck, is it not?
A tiny little owlie. Small he may be, but quite menacing when he's blocking the only entry to the exhibit
A tiny little owlie. Small he may be, but quite menacing when he’s blocking the only entry to the exhibit
See how he's blocking the way? I was terrified but Husband dared me to crouch next to him for this shot, so I did. That's pure fear and I do believe I was squealing.
See how he’s blocking the way? I was terrified but Husband dared me to crouch next to him for this shot, so I did. That’s pure fear and I do believe I was squealing.
Mother took this rather glorious shot of a white peacock in full courtship display. Beautiful.
Mother took this rather glorious shot of a white peacock in full courtship display. Beautiful.
To celebrate not getting pecked by pigeons and other birds, we had dins at Ilha, Woodbridge Island on the way home. Here's my standard iced coffee shake (three straws just for me, lol)
To celebrate not getting pecked by pigeons and other birds, we had dins at Ilha, Woodbridge Island on the way home. Here’s my standard iced coffee shake (three straws just for me, lol)
Sunset at Woodbridge Island - Mother and Husband wetting their feet
Sunset at Woodbridge Island – Mother and Husband wetting their feet
Beautiful sunset with hazy mountain
Beautiful sunset with hazy mountain
Woodbridge Island from the beach side
Woodbridge Island from the beach side
Mother and me on the beach - looks like I have two feet sprouting from one leg, teehee
Mother and me on the beach – looks like I have two feet sprouting from one leg, teehee
Finally took a shot of the Woodbridge lighthouse at sunset. Pretty, innit?
Finally took a shot of the Woodbridge lighthouse at sunset. Pretty, innit?

That’s all for now, folks! Almost halfway through the month and just a day from the next weekend, time is spiralling faster and faster!

PS: Yes I know, still no pics of the new housie – chance would be a fine thing! Pretty much fully unpacked but not quite properly decorated yet. Soon soon, I promise?