Tag Archives: Polaroid

The blog post that almost wasn’t: Anniversary baking and new hair for the new season

Eep. Count yourself lucky to be reading/viewing this: Almost didn’t get this week’s blog update done for a number of reasons – end-of-last-month-at-old-job-exhaustion, end-of-first-week-at-new-job-excitement, couldn’t find connecty cable to get photos off phones, lost whole wad of photos that had been taken on old work phone (Sob!)

But as Brandy sang, “almost doesn’t count”. So I persevered! And in the end, I got it done! Yay, loyal blog readers, aren’t you lucky? Here’s what we’ve been up to lately – had my hair did (shorter for summer, still purple), and I even baked, for the first time in Cape Town!…

Wednesday, 24 September 2014: Heritage Day baking and braai-ing

Baking! I whipped up some cookies and diabetic-friendly cake for parents' 36th wedding anniversary last week. Used Marian Keyes' 'Luxury Blueberry, Pine Nut and Chocolate Cookies' recipe from her book, 'Saved by Cake'. This picture is to demonstrate her instruction to 'scoop up rounds of the dough and use your hands to flatten ball shape - your hands will get good and sticky but what harm'. What harm indeed. LOOK at how sticky and chocolatey they were!
Baking! I whipped up some cookies and diabetic-friendly cake for parents’ 36th wedding anniversary last week. Used Marian Keyes’ ‘Luxury Blueberry, Pine Nut and Chocolate Cookies’ recipe from her book, ‘Saved by Cake’. This picture is to demonstrate her instruction to ‘scoop up rounds of the dough and use your hands to flatten ball shape – your hands will get good and sticky but what harm’. What harm indeed. LOOK at how sticky and chocolatey they were!
Husband braaied for the first time this year so we could end Heritage Day on an authentic note
Husband braaied for the first time this year so we could end Heritage Day on an authentic note

Saturday, 27 September 2014: Froyo at Tygervalley, thickest milkshake at Driftwood Cafe

Smooch in Tygervalley has my favourite froyo flavours, plus in their current special you can fill a little tub with as many flavours as you wait (no matter the weight) for R20! Happy days. Also, apologies to random man behind me whose jeans are in the shot. You were in the way of the pretty wall
Smooch in Tygervalley has my favourite froyo flavours, plus in their current special you can fill a little tub with as many flavours as you want (no matter the weight) for R20! Happy days. Also, apologies to random man behind me whose jeans are in the shot. You were in the way of the pretty wall
Real live duckies going for a waddle at Driftwood Cafe
Real live duckies going for a waddle at Driftwood Cafe
Look at those frown lines! From age, yes, but also from effort of slurping super thick Mikki's Special milkshake - mix of peanut butter, custard, honey etc. Yum!
Look at those frown lines! From age, yes, but also from effort of slurping super thick Mikki’s Special milkshake – mix of peanut butter, custard, honey etc. Yum!

Sunday, 28 September 2014: The big hair chop

Haircut from the front...
Haircut from the front…
Haircut from the back
Haircut from the back

Tuesday, 30 September 2014: Farewell flowers and photos with wonderful colleagues, celebratory drinks and pizza with Husband at Portalia

Beautiful farewell flowers from my lovely team.
Beautiful farewell flowers from my lovely team.
An actual keepsake Polaroidy photo we had to shake to develop! Excuse funny lighting/colouring, that's back of Table Mountain behind me
An actual keepsake Polaroidy photo we had to shake to develop! Excuse funny lighting/colouring, that’s back of Table Mountain behind me
Husband having a beer at Portalia to celebrate end of my old, rather stressful job
Husband having a beer at Portalia to celebrate end of my old, rather stressful job
This was a Kahlua coffee, just right
This was a Kahlua coffee, just right

What I’ve realised this week? There’s a reason Green Day wanted us to ‘wake them up when September ends’ (click here for a listen), and also why we call Oktobermaand “die mooiste, mooiste maand”. That’s all, folks… looks like Summer is FINALLY here! 🙂