Tag Archives: Dubliner

The Delaney-Andrews family does St Patrick’s day

If you looks at my brother-on-law Spec’s Facebook profile pic, (and another of my Argus-completing father-in-law) taken at a Halloween dress-up party they held last year, you might get the hint that we enjoy St Paddy’s day in our family (here they are, for your viewing pleasure):

Spec in the rather obvious hat
Spec in the rather obvious hat
See? It fits the whole family
See? It fits the whole family
Some photos from our St Patrick's evening in 2010, when we went to the Dros in Rock Cottage for an authentic meal, complete with shamrock tattoos and hearty pies
Some photos from our St Patrick’s evening in 2010, when we went to the Dros in Rock Cottage for an authentic meal, complete with shamrock tattoos and hearty pies

And while my family’s not alone in enjoying St Patrick’s Day, it is a little more special for us as my dad’s family tree does actually wind back to the river Slaney in Ireland (that’s where our surname ‘Delaney’ part comes from… and the fact that some say it translates to ‘River of Health’ may explain why my dad’s aged so well.)

We even found mugs with the crests of both our family names on when we were in Disney World a fistful of years ago:

Andrews and Delaney family crests
Andrews and Delaney family crests

But I digress. You’re not here for a family history lesson. The more obvious reason to celebrate St Patrick’s day is that my dad’s name is Patrick. So all these fascinating facts add up to us always making a point of enjoying St Patrick’s Day. As we did yesterday…

While we were at work, mum and dad went to the Dubliner pub in town for Kilkenny and Guinness - not coloured green, thank goodness
While we were at work, mum and dad went to the Dubliner pub in town for Kilkenny and Guinness – not coloured green, thank goodness
We went over to their house for dins. Here's Dad and me, singing 'Happy St Patrick's Day to you' to the tune of 'Happy birthday to you' - excuse the very wide eyes, that's my singing face
We went over to their house for dins. Here’s Dad and me, singing ‘Happy St Patrick’s Day to you’ – excuse the very wide eyes, that’s my singing face
Mum created some delicious Irish coffees after supper
Mum created some delicious Irish coffees after supper
Mmm was delicious - you know I love coffee
Mmm was delicious – you know I love coffee
Dad and boy enjoying their coffees
Dad and boy enjoying their coffees
Mom and doggies watching TV together
Mom and doggies watching TV together

Hope you had a great one too! 🙂 For more on the actual St Patrick and why his name day is celebrated (ridding Ireland of snakes, anyone?), click here.