Like what you see? I’ll proof, write, read, review or edit for you

My thoughts tend to ramble, I live in my head and you’ll usually find me with a red pen in my hand. Or worse – tucked behind my ear. It happens. I’m an editor, reader, writer, proofer… lover of words. Hopefully you’ll learn a little more about me from this blog. All opinions my own and I am older than I look. Well. Not THAT old.

If you’d like to get in touch, follow my new blog. I’m also on Twitter or you can email me, if you’re so inclined.

2 thoughts on “Like what you see? I’ll proof, write, read, review or edit for you”

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Ramblings, rumblings and random ruminations. Also reviews, recommendations and alliteration. Based on living the good life in the fairest Cape. This is not a food blog.