Tag Archives: Argus medal

Charly’s Bakery, Argus cyclists and the many faces of Bassie Andrews

This past week? Whoosh. A blur. Can’t believe (but thanking my lucky stars) that it’s Friday again. To get you and me in the mood for the next weekend that’s just inches away, let’s have a quick recap of what I’ve been up to in the past week…

Saturday, 7 March 2015: Mugg n Bean coffee, Charly’s Bakery, parental beach visit, Catch22 dins

The easy cappuccino at Mugg n Bean always goes down a treat for me as it's extra milky. That side biscuit was a treat.
The easy cappuccino at Mugg n Bean always goes down a treat for me as it’s extra milky. That side biscuit was a treat.
Definitely, coffee saucer saying. I agree.
Definitely, coffee saucer saying. I agree.
Finally got to visit Charly's Bakery with fellow Joburg-transplant Kat, to see what all the fuss is about...
Finally got to visit Charly’s Bakery with fellow Joburg-transplant Kat, to see what all the fuss is about…
Look at the pretty heart-embellished seats! Look at the delicious cupcakes! We had a lovely time, and can cross that off our 'Cape must-visits' list...
Look at the pretty heart-embellished seats! Look at the delicious cupcakes! We had a lovely time, and can cross that off our ‘Cape must-visits’ list…
Then we went to the beach with the visitors. Stepping out of the wave's path, just in the nick of time
Then we went to the beach with the visitors. Stepping out of the wave’s path, just in the nick of time
Husband and his dad took a LONG walk across the beach
Husband and his dad took a LONG walk across the beach
Haha! Here is dad-in-law blowing his nose on his towel post-swim, me holding his Argus 2015 race shirt, and racing friend taking in the view
Haha! Here is dad-in-law blowing his nose on his towel post-swim, me holding his Argus 2015 race shirt, and racing friend taking in the view
Ha. Love these three so. Husband is tired of posing for photos, Bassie is wary, and Bertie is distracted by the telly, as usual
Ha. Love these three so. Husband is tired of posing for photos, Bassie is wary, and Bertie is distracted by the telly, as usual
What Husband ate at Catch22 - super jumbo oysters (R25 each) and the Calypso's Catch salad, positively brimming with all sorts of goodies from the sea
What Husband ate at Catch22 – super jumbo oysters (R25 each) and the Calypso’s Catch salad, positively brimming with all sorts of goodies from the sea
I opted for the deceptively plain-sounding Buccaneer beef burger, which comes topped with bacon and cheese, as well as a side of skinny fries and huge onion rings
I opted for the deceptively plain-sounding Buccaneer beef burger, which comes topped with bacon and cheese, as well as a side of skinny fries and huge onion rings

Sunday, 8 March 2015: Doggy beach walk, family braai at ours

Love the pink orchid decorating the eating area at our local Foodlover's Market. And Husband, obviously.
Love the pink orchid decorating the eating area at our local Foodlover’s Market. And Husband, obviously.
If you take me for breakfast where the running special is a slice of cake and a cappuccino for R28, that's what I'll have.
If you take me for breakfast where the running special is a slice of cake and a cappuccino for R28, that’s what I’ll have.
Bassie is very cross with mommy for some reason...
Bassie is very cross with mommy for some reason…
Another beach visit, this time with the dear doglets. Bertie had a long paddle, even Bassie was tempted in
Another beach visit, this time with the dear doglets. Bertie had a long paddle, even Bassie was tempted in
See how she's gazing off contentedly?
See how she’s gazing off contentedly?
Oh my goodness this is a funny sandy face! Looks like the Phteven underbite dog
Oh my goodness this is a funny sandy face! Looks like the Phteven underbite dog
Then I noticed Bertie was waiting for his photo to be taken. First he made a solemn face...
Then I noticed Bertie was waiting for his photo to be taken. First he made a solemn face…
Then he grinned widely to show how much he loved going to the beach. Such a sweetheart.
Then he grinned widely to show how much he loved going to the beach. Such a sweetheart.
When we got home, Husband finally had time to hang my hammock chair. Bertie was then coaxed onto my lap
When we got home, Husband finally had time to hang my hammock chair. Bertie was then coaxed onto my lap
Then, when Husband adjusted the height and tested it himself, Bertie sat on HIS lap, too.
Then, when Husband adjusted the height and tested it himself, Bertie sat on HIS lap, too.
Yay, the Driftwood Cafe has reopened! New management means my favourite milkshake's off the menu but they were happy to make it for me (that's chocolate ice cream, peanut butter and custard. Delicious)
Yay, the Driftwood Cafe has reopened! New management means my favourite milkshake’s off the menu but they were happy to make it for me (that’s chocolate ice cream, peanut butter and custard. Delicious)
Husband had a draught, as he does. Note the patio roofing above us, ours at home will eventually look like so
Husband had a draught, as he does. Note the patio roofing above us, ours at home will eventually look like so
Argus medal 2015, check. Would you believe my friend Kat, who I was merrily sharing tasty cakes with the previous morning, entered the race on a whim as a friend had a spare ticket, and completed it too? With no special training.
Argus medal 2015, check. Would you believe my friend Kat, who I was merrily sharing tasty cakes with the previous morning, entered the race on a whim after she met with me, as a friend of hers had a spare ticket, and she completed it too? With no special training. Huh.
Bertie had a chair to himself during the braai
Bertie had a chair to himself during the braai
Bassie prefers to share a seat - here she looks pensive again
Bassie prefers to share a seat – here she looks pensive again
Indifferent Bassie on her Granny's knee
Indifferent Bassie on her Granny’s knee
Bassie telling Grampa a story while Husband tends to the meat. Rose quartz holding down tablecloth as it was that windy
Bassie telling Grampa a story while Husband tends to the meat. Rose quartz holding down tablecloth as it was that windy
Let's eat! All enjoyed the spread - you can just make out Bassie begging at her granny's knee
Let’s eat! All enjoyed the spread – you can just make out Bassie begging at her granny’s knee
Of course Husband had to teach his dad how to play cricket on the XBox. Hmm.
Of course Husband had to teach his dad how to play cricket on the XBox. Hmm.
Husband called me to capture these pink streaks just before they vanished
Husband called me to capture these pink streaks just before they vanished

Monday, 9 March: Dins at home with the cyclists

Bit blurry but you can see the six of us - that's my dad-in-law, his friend who came down for the Argus with him, Bassie in my arms and Bertie in his dad's
Bit blurry but you can see the six of us – that’s my dad-in-law, his friend who came down for the Argus with him, Bassie in my arms and Bertie in his dad’s
Worried Bassie, sprawled on the bed
Worried Bassie, sprawled on the bed

Thursday, 12 March 2015: Thursday cupcake

Belated birthday cake in the office is a surefire way to uplift a Thursday. These Woolies cupcakes were divine
Belated birthday cake in the office is a surefire way to uplift a Thursday. These Woolies cupcakes were divine

That’s all, folks! Dad-in-law and his cycling friend are still with us this weekend, so expect a few more pics of them next week. And with that, I bid you good night…